Children Speech Arts 少儿口才与表演班

VISM ARTS - Children Speech Arts

Speech Arts, Changes for life

CalligraphConfucius Institute in Coquitlam offers Children Speech Arts course from Jan 2014! The course is specifically designed for children aged 6 and above. Based on Mandarin pronunciation and breath training, mainly focus on verbal memory skills, organizational ability. The purpose is to make students face the public, dare to show and express themselves. Through physical training, vocal training, tongue twisters, songs, storytelling, poetry readings, talk shows, pantomime and other exercises, improve students' organizational skills and language skills.

Registration / Inquiry 报名/查询


Registration for the Speech Arts course is now accepted. Please click here to register.
即日起,少儿口才与表演班开始接受报名. 请按这里报名
E-mail 电邮:   Web Site:


What Do We Do in the class? 口才与表演班内容简介

::Breathing exercises: abdominal breathing, deep breath - 呼吸训练:腹式呼吸、深吸慢吐
::Physical training: standing, smile - 形体训练:站姿、眼神、微笑、深呼吸
::Style training: get on to the stage, bow, self-introduction - 台风训练:上台、鞠躬、自我介绍
::Vocal training, pronunciation training - 发声训练、发音词组
::Tongue twisters, songs, storytelling, poetry readings, fun lectures - 绕口令、儿歌、讲故事、诗歌朗诵、趣味演讲

Our Goal 我们的目标

::Make a public speech fluently and meaningful 当众上台讲话、侃侃而谈、仪态大方、语言流利、言之有物;
::Enhance the child's self-confidence and willing to express 增强孩子的自信心和表达愿望;
::Improve memory, expressive, logical thinking and writing skills 提高记忆力、表现力、逻辑思维能力以及写作能力;
::Improve language organization, targeted expression and agile response capabilities 提高即兴组织语言、表达语言、有针对性表达、敏捷反应的能力;
::Stimulate adaptability, communication skills, team work and collaboration capabilities 激发学生应变能力、培养沟通能力、提高团队配合与协作能力;
::Through systematic training to develop good organization and expression skills 通过系统训练,培养良好的组织、表达、演讲能力,并将这种能力合理运用到各种语言,最终使口才表达成为孩子的优势,改变孩子的一生。

Age 招生范围:
6 – 10 years old | 6岁 - 10岁
Location 授课地点:
1100 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam


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